Sunday, December 2, 2012

Korean Food: Bong eo bbang

Have you ever heard about Bong eo bbang?? Wonder what is it? Bong eo bbang is one of  popular Korean street food. Yes I agree that they have a lot of street food however some of this street food only available in certain seasons. Bong eo bbang is one of it, this street food only available during winter season. Bong eo bbang is a leavened bread baked, filled with read beans and in the shape of carp. It is crispy outside yet melt-in-your-mouth inside. It is a savory and mouth watering snack! For those who would like to try it at home you can visit this site for the recipe:

Bong Eo Bbang Recipe

P/s: For those who plan to visit South Korea, trying their street food is a MUST! Have fun!! If anyone go to Suwon, look for it over there! ^_^


  1. I really liked bong eo bbang before. But now I like tuk bbok ki more. tuk bbok ki is also delicious and taste good. Sinsa-dong is the famous place as tuk bbok ki. :)

    1. hahahaha ^^ I love tuk bbok ki too!! for my next entry I will write about it..Nyum Nyum! Sinsa-dong?? Sound familiar but where is it exactly??

  2. for more, the name of bong eo bbang means bong-eo is fish name that looks like this food, and bbang means bread. This food was my most favorite food ever.. T.T haha

    1. ahhh ^^, before I get to know its name I just told people its carp cake..heheh ^^
